Daily Archives: May 29, 2011

Get Your Arnold Palmer On

We went back to the art festival today to find the food truck!

The show that the truck (Roxy’s Gourmet Grilled Cheese) is competing in is called The Great Food Truck Race. Well…I feel as though WE were the ones on the food truck race. We went back to this festival for a SECOND time JUST to see the truck, and it wasn’t there. The website where I got my info was just wrong. She must have been in another area, and I’m sure she was headed to the art festival at some point, but we weren’t about to stand out in 90 degrees for the whole day just waiting for her. I was bummed but there’s no reason to waste a day over it!

Besides, it IS Soul Food Sunday after all! For this edition I’ll be doing a couple delicious drinks! I think that the NUMBER ONE drink in the South is sweet tea.


Every single restaurant here serves sweet tea, and each place usually tastes a little different from the next. MIND YOU, I am not speaking of sweetened iced tea. This is sweet tea. It is a category all it’s own, and from my experience you can’t find an authentic glass north of Washington D.C. I love this drink, I get it nearly every time I go out even though I know it’s loaded up with sugar. I shared with you guys before how I think I may be addicted.

But there is one drink that I like EVEN MORE than sweet tea. It’s another Southern classic, and it’s called an Arnold Palmer. It’s apparently named after the famous golfer Arnold Palmer but I have no idea why. It’s also called “half and half”, or if you’re at Chick-fil-a they call it “split sweet tea/lemonade”. Whatever you want to call it, it’s delicious!

It’s not a very complicated drink!

Arnold Palmer

  • 4 oz. fresh lemonade
  • 4 oz. fresh sweet tea
  • ice as desired

But I think what makes it really good is the fresh lemonade that goes in it. Here’s the recipe we use!

Old Fashioned Lemonade

  • 1 c. freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 12-14 lemons)
  • 1 3/4 c. sugar
  • 1 c. hot water
  • 2 c. ice
  • cold filtered water

-Dissolve the sugar into the hot water. Pour that sugar mixture into a gallon size pitcher along with a few slices of fresh lemon.

-Add in the lemon juice, ice, and enough cold water to yield 1 gallon. Stir well.

-Refrigerate and enjoy! Makes one gallon.

Get yourself some fresh lemonade and sweet tea and you’ve got an extremely refreshing and delicious drink. It goes with ANY meal, seriously.

Everything is so beautiful here in Georgia. I don’t know how else to put it. Being gone for so long (almost 5 years since I left for college!) really makes me appreciate everything here. I love the plants and trees! I know there are plants and trees everywhere, but I’m telling you…we have the best. Aside from the oaks and magnolias, which are amazing, there are so many beautiful flowers. Our gardenia bushes just bloomed!

And fresh gardenia smell wonderful, so my dad asked me to cut some and bring them into the house.

My mom is making jerk chicken on the grill with some corn and rice and beans on the side for dinner! And dessert? Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie–my FAVORITE! I’m already feeling extremely spoiled.

Thanks for reading! You better come back for Soul Food Sunday next week too!





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