WIAW Time!

It’s pretty ironic that I’ve been going on and on about how I’m looking forward to the weekend, because it turns out we aren’t exactly going to HAVE a weekend. We’re going to a litigation course/conference through our job so we’ll be out of town for about a week, starting on Friday! We’re actually really excited about the opportunity so we don’t mind so much that we’ll miss the regular weekend. I should have more time  to blog while we’re there!

It’s that time again, for What I Ate Wednesday! Let’s get down to it.


  • a bowl of Great Grains cereal with topped with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and vanilla soymilk

  • English breakfast tea with soymilk creamer and sugar (enjoyed at work)


  • turkey, lettuce, and cheese sandwich on a whole wheat bun

  • peanut butter pretzels

  • more fresh strawberries!

  • sparkling water

Afternoon Snack



…to be determined. I will likely be having some dairy-free ice cream, it’s my new favorite!

Not the BEST eating day ever for me, the pasta dish for dinner was super high in fat and calories, but at least I used multigrain pasta! I’m also missing a couple servings of veg…oops. Oh well, that’s what I like about WIAW, I get to just be real with you guys and show you what a usual day is like!

I’ve seen this fun survey going around and I love a good survey so here we go!

A is for Apple, what’s your favorite variety? Granny Smith, I’m ALL about the Granny Smith.

B: is for Bread, regardless of nutrition, calories, or whole grains what is your favorite type to have a nice big piece of? I’d probably go for a nice warm piece of Italian bread. SO delicious when it’s fresh, oh man…

C: is for Cereal what is your favorite kind currently (just one!)? Well if this means like hot or cold cereal, then definitely oatmeal. You guys have seen a few of my oatmeal escapades before.

D: is for Doughnuts, you might not currently be eating them but what kind do you fancy? HOT GLAZED AT KRISPY KREME. There is nothing else like them. And of COURSE I’m currently eating them, what the heck do you mean?!

E: is for Eggs, how would you like yours prepared?

Sunny side up! Love them that way.

F: is for Fat Free, what is your favorite fat-free product?

Hmmm…that’s a toughie but PLANTAINS!

G: is for Groceries, where do you purchase yours?

While in Virginia I go to Martin’s and Trader Joe’s. Here in Georgia it’s pretty much all Kroger all the time.

H: is for Hot Beverages, what is your favorite hot drink?

Soy chai latte. Heaven.

I: is for Ice Cream, pick a favorite flavor and add a fun topping.

Vanilla with cookie crumbs on top! I love vanilla ice cream, though I didn’t as a kid.

J: is for Jams or Jellies, do you eat them, and if so what kind and flavor?

I love jam but I try to avoid the ones from the store. Homemade strawberry is the best!

K: is for Kashi, name your favorite Kashi product?

Those little TLC crackers, those things are so tasty!

L: is for Lunch, what was yours today?

You already know!

M: is for microwave, what is your favorite microwave meal/snack?

Honestly…not a fan of microwaved things typically. I do put a piece of toast with peanut butter on it in the microwave for a few seconds to get the peanut butter all nice and melted.

N: is for nutrients, do you likes carbs, fats, or proteins best?

I’m a major carb person. As is evidenced by the tab above dedicated to bread.

O: is for oil, what kind do you like to use?

Olive oil, canola oil, and coconut oil.

P: is for protein, how do you get yours?

Meat and eggs, and the occasional protein bar!

Q: is for Quaker, how do you like your oats?

My favorite ever way is probably with Nutella and peanut butter melted on top! Tastes like dessert for breakfast!

R: is for roasting, what is your favorite thing to roast?

Broccoli! And brussel sprouts. Love the flavor roasting gives them.

S: is for sandwich, what’s your favorite kind?

I’m a sucker for a good pastrami sandwich.

T: is for travel, how do you handle eating while traveling?

Well…I’ve never traveled and also attempted to eat healthy foods…mostly because I haven’t traveled in a while! But I’ll have a chance to test it out next week so I’ll let you know.

U: is for unique, what is one of your weirdest food combos?

Well to the outside world, the green monster is a pretty strange food combo. Whenever I tell people what’s in it they give me a weird look and a grimace like I’m a crazy person. HAHA!

V: is for vitamins, what kind do you take?

I take a woman’s multivitamin and a probiotic supplement.

W: is for wasabi, yay or nay?

I hate spicy food, but I actually love wasabi.

X: is for X-RAY. if we x-rayed your belly right now, what food would we see?

You already know!

Y: is for youth, what food reminds you of your childhood?

Wheatena, grilled cheese, PB & honey sandwiches, and ice cream!

Z: is for zucchini, how do you prepare it?

I love it grilled, so delicious.

I actually managed to finish a post pretty early tonight! Thanks for reading!



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5 responses to “WIAW Time!

  1. Nutella and peanut butter is a crazy good combination! I used to eat sandwiches like that all the time 🙂

  2. Your day looks pretty good to me. Don’t sell yourself short! I need more fresh berries in my life. And peanut butter pretzels? Uh yum! Great post, Lauren!

    P.S. I once ate 8 Krispy Kremes for breakfast. Aww, that was the good old days when I had the metabolism of a 12-year old girl.

  3. oooh I miss pastrami sandwiches! on rye with mustard… ahhhhhh yum! Girl i hate you right now — i drove around for nearly 2 hours from farm to farm trying to get blueberries and strawberries today and they were all out or closed or just selling the wrong produce (no sir I do not want lamb and honey.. but thank you!) bahhh! share?

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