Back to the City

I’m back home! So glad to be back. We learned SO much at the conference and met a lot of great attorneys that I’m sure we’ll know for years to come. Best of all, the experience was free! Which is great. As our last meal in the country, we checked out of the hotel and went to the greatest Southern dining institution of all time.

Okay, maybe not the greatest institution, but certainly one of the most famous and well visited. It was the perfect last breakfast in Forsyth, filling and totally unhealthy. 🙂

Then we went BACK to Jonah’s Bistro and Bakery in downtown Forsyth (yes, this was our third time there in the span of a week).

I wanted to go back right before we left because they bake fresh breads on Thursdays and I just couldn’t resist picking some up! They have some great looking desserts, too.

I got a half loaf of Country Italian and a loaf of Honey Whole Wheat! They are both AWESOME, I’m just totally impressed with this place all around.

We still had ONE more thing to do before we left. There was a pick-your-own farm right in Forsyth, and since I knew I’d be wanting to eat healthy foods galore once we got home, some fresh picked berried sounded perfect.

The fruits in season at the farm were blueberries and blackberries, so we got to pickin’!

We went for the blackberries first. Those suckers were HUGE! They were ripe and easy to pick, but the bees loved those berries and they also had some serious thorns so it was slightly hazardous! :p I got pricked several times…but it was so worth it for those berries.


Then we went towards the blueberries, which were even easier to pick. No bees, no thorns, just fun! It was quite hot by that time but we picked for as long as we could!

And we got a pretty good stash! About two pounds each of blackberries and blueberries!

They were a great price, too. The bloobs were only 2 bucks a pound! They had tomatoes and other veggies too, but we were really there for fruit.

We paid for our goods and headed out! Forsyth is less than two hours from home so we were here in no time.

I put our berries in some ventilated containers and popped them in the fridge. I can’t wait to use them for recipes and just for eating plain!

My little brother is leaving for Navy Sea Cadette basic training camp tomorrow morning, so I’m off to make him his favorite dinner as a “last supper” before he goes! He looks so cute in his dress uniform, so much like my Dad! 🙂

Thanks for reading!






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5 responses to “Back to the City

  1. wherethedaytakesme

    yumm fresh berried.

    looks terrific.

  2. Lee

    Yum those berries look delicious.

  3. Wow, today was a great day for berry picking huh! I did the same thing with the boys 🙂 Oh and I love hashbrowns at waffle house scattered, covered, and smothered!!

  4. i just discovered your blog today. i really enjoyed reading your past several days of posts! there’s definitely nothing like the south- or good sweet tea! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Fresh Blackberry Jam | Lawfully Wedded Wife

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