Monthly Archives: August 2011

WIAW, School Sucks

This is what law school is doing to me:

I know just what you’re thinking. That picture is H-O-T. I know. Apparently Jason, being the hopeless romantic that he is, thought it would be funny to take pictures of me after I passed out in my Snuggie on the sofa while reading a thrilling passage about expert witnesses for my Evidence class. And yes, I think my eyes are open a little. For extra sexiness. But you didn’t come here for sexy pictures (or did you?!), you came here to see some food. And you know what happens on Wednesdays!

Breakfast: bowl of Coach’s oats topped with fresh strawberries, a drizzle of maple agave syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon

Mid-Morning Snack: whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a drizzle of honey

Lunch: romaine salad with tuna and sesame goddess dressing w/ multigrain crackers on the side

Afternoon Snack: peanut butter granola bar

Dinner: steak taco stack at MOE’S!! 🙂 (Steak, mushrooms, onions, black beans, pico, cheese, queso)

This thing was unbelievably delicious. It’s a new menu item at Moe’s, and boy I hope they keep it on the menu. Rather than show you a chewed on taco/quesodilla/burrito/whatever this amazing thing is, here’s a better representation straight from Moe’s:

I am in love with Moe’s. It’s the only place I can afford to eat grass-fed steak.

I’m back in my Snuggie, and ready to pass out on the sofa again enjoy a fun night.

Thanks for reading!



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Strawberry Banana Trifle for Two

Hello, friends!!! I’ve missed you and I’ve missed the blog world so much. As you might have guessed from my absence, we lost power when Irene rolled in and just got it back last night. Of course, being the loyal blogger that I am, I took pictures throughout so that I could update you guys with how the whole thing went down. And then after storytime I’d like to show you this:

But story first. SO. We spent much of Friday and Saturday scrambling around looking for supplies and watching the news non-stop, which was making it seem like the apocalypse was coming in hurricane form. People were going crazy getting ready for the storm and we had a hard time finding stuff like water and batteries. But by Saturday we decided we were done with the preparations and that we would just hunker down and wait for the storm. Anticipating loss of power, I quickly cooked every expensive perishable item I could find. This resulted in a huge baking session where I attempted to use up all of our butter, eggs, and ricotta cheese.

I made lemon ricotta pound cake, chocolate oatmeal cookies, and chewy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I think I was partly baking so much just because I was nervous, but at least I managed to keep our stuff from going to waste.  In the early afternoon, several hours before the eye of the storm passed over us, the rain started to come down and our backyard started to flood.

And our house started leaking by the screen door in back.

At first I was freaking out because the storm hadn’t even really arrived yet and things already didn’t look so good. But the leaking eventually stopped and for several hours it was just regular thunderstorm type weather. At that point we were thinking that the media just hyped the whole thing up and that nothing that bad was going to happen. Then 8pm rolled around, the wind picked up, and our power went out.

After lighting some candles and getting our flashlights, we went ahead and set up camp in the kitchen. Our master bedroom is on the top floor and is surrounded by windows, so it did not seem like the safest place to be. The kitchen is the most interior room and it has no windows so that’s where we slept.

And by “slept” I mean Jason slept and I spent a good 5 hours squeezing his arm to death, praying, and listening to the crazy wind and sheets of rain outside. I’ve been through many a tornado season in Georgia so I’m quite familiar with high winds, but this to me was more frightening. Mostly because it lasted so LONG and the wind was relentless so I was terrified a tree was going to come down and kill us all. After about 4am the winds calmed down and I was able to fall asleep. When we woke up in the morning we found that a tree had fallen right on our next door neighbor’s house, taking out a part of their roof and landing on the AC units right between our houses. (I would show you a pic but I didn’t think the neighbors would appreciate me taking a photo of their house and posting in on the internet) Thank goodness no one was hurt. I am SO grateful because that tree (or many others) could have easily fallen on our house.

When we woke up in the morning, still with no power, we quickly started dying of boredom. So we headed out to Target to purchase some entertainment. Target was operating on generators so they were still open, just not on full capacity. The board game section was cleaned out–lots of people had the same idea we did apparently! We settled on only the best board game ever invented.

Monopoly turned out to be our saving grace. We would have gone crazy without it. We played it by sunlight and we played it by candlelight.

Our meals were a little dicey since we had no way to heat food and we definitely did a lot of snacking and eating things like this:

We also had a few coolers full of things like salad greens, milk, and condiments that we were keeping fresh on ice.

And we may have relied on eating out a couple times.

By yesterday we were seriously suffering from boredom (you can only play so much Monopoly) so we went out to see The Help last night. I have mixed feelings about “the film that everyone is talking about”, and most of them are negative. In fact, I could probably write a book about all the reasons why I didn’t like the film and I could definitely write a whole blog post about it. But I won’t. At least not right now. I know this is my space so I can say whatever I want, but I really just don’t feel like it. So you’ll just have to stick with all the rave reviews that people give it (and there are many, trust me, I’ve seen a dozen in the food blog community alone) and decide for yourself. If anyone is curious (which you probably aren’t), I would be more than happy to expand on my thoughts in another post. ANYWAYS, back to Irene. So when we returned from the movie, our power was back on! Hooray! I really can’t complain because we weren’t hurt and many people here in Virginia still don’t have power, so we got lucky. I got lucky again today when I found these babies BOGO at the grocery store:

Bee tee dubs, If you actually read all of what I just wrote, THANK YOU! You are awesome. And here is your prize, albeit meager.

I used the leftover lemon ricotta cake to whip up a simple yet delightful before-dinner treat for Jas and I tonight. Yes, dessert before dinner. That’s how I roll, and that’s how I plan to roll for a long long time.

Ideally I would have used greek yogurt or just real whipped cream in this treat, but Irene helped some very old “whipped topping” in our freezer to thaw out so I used it for the sake of not wasting it. And it. was. delicious.

Strawberry-Banana Trifle for Two

  • 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
  • 1 medium banana, thinly sliced
  • 1/3 c. whipped cream or whipped topping
  • pound cake or angel food cake, thinly sliced
  • 1 t. sugar

-Sprinkle the sugar over the strawberries and stir to coat. Let the strawberries sit in the sugar in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes to release their juices and get nice and soft.

-In a bowl or glass, assemble the trifle in the following order: cake, fruit, cream, cake, fruit, cream. Chill for at least 15 minutes to allow the flavors to come together. Serve cold or at room temperature and enjoy! Makes 2 large dessert servings.

This couldn’t be easier to whip up and you can adjust to have as much or as little of each ingredient as you like and use whatever fruit is seasonal. The lemon flavor in the pound cake balanced perfectly with the tartness of the berries, the sweetness of the banana, and the rich cream.

I’m never throwing out old cake again! I love it when food can be re-purposed for new things.

I’m off to do some SERIOUS catching up on homework. Classes were cancelled today and yesterday, but they’re back on for tomorrow so it’s back to the grind for us. Plus I still haven’t made dinner!

Thanks for reading!



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There’s A Storm A Brewin’

Hello again, from the lucky state of Virginia that nature is embracing with wildfires, an earthquake, and a hurricane all in the same week. C’mon, nature. C’mon. Ironically, today is an absolutely beautiful day in the ‘burg.

In 24 hours, it’s going to be a different story. We’re in the “cone of uncertainty” that hurricane Irene will be striking, and there are evacuations taking place as close as 45 minutes away from us to the East. Some of our fellow students have decided to get the heck out of dodge and head west before the storm hits. We’re still not positive what we’re going to do. We feel like if our own city doesn’t tell us to evacuate, we don’t really need to. But the list of evacuations keeps changing and we may very well change our minds! We spent the day preparing for what is likely to be a week without power if we do stay here.

A little grill to cook on…

Water to drink and cook with…

Non-perishable foods…

If the storm knocks our power out, you won’t be seeing me (obviously) until we get it back on. I’ve been talking to people that are from here and last time a storm like this came through, the ‘burg lost power for over a week. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but if I disappear for a while I’m (probably) still alive and just camping out at home.

If you’re in the path of this hurricane, stay safe and good luck! I hope that the damage won’t be too bad, but it seems that everyone is preparing the best they can.

Thanks for reading and I HOPE to see you soon!





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WIAW, Learning the Ropes

Thank the LORD it is Wednesday. This has been a heck of a week that’s already involved a lot of late nights, early mornings, and adjusting to new things. Since it’s the first week of school we haven’t really been sure how our schedules were going to work out and so we’ve definitely been learning the ropes the hard way. Both of us have evening classes this semester, which is a challenge, and on top of regular things I have to go to traffic court in the morning to defend myself against a reckless driving charge. Yeah..oops. Good thing it’s What I Ate Wednesday, because I’m in no state to produce a recipe post today.

Breakfast: hot bowl of Coach’s oats topped with raspberries, blueberries, almond butter, and a little agave syrup

I love morning light! I never get to take pictures in it!

I have 20 more of those kind of shots, but I’ll spare you. 😉

Lunch: didn’t happen! I was feeling unwell all afternoon and just the thought of eating made me feel sick…I grabbed some random unphotographed snacks but essentially this meal was a fail.

Dinner: TACO NIGHT! Beef tacos with grilled peppers, salsa, cheese, and some yellow corn chips with salsa on the side

I’ll be up for a long time doing homework so there will most likely be another “meal” happening, but I’ll leave that as a mystery.

Thanks for reading!




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Baked Zucchini Fries

Hello from earthquake central! I was actually in an interview practice program and all of the sudden the floor started shaking and the lights started swinging from the ceiling. Crazy! Not gonna lie, it was kinda fun. But only because nothing bad actually happened. Sadly the drama was over in like one minute and then I had to get to class…so lame.

My health issues are really going crazy lately. The basic of it is that I have swelling, which starts as the size of a bug bite and then over the course of the day gets huge and more spread out. Then after about 24 hours it will completely go away, and then soon after it will happen somewhere else in my body. Today it’s in the SOLE OF MY FOOT. VERY inconvenient. It’s not extremely painful, just really sore, and I look like a cripple because I can’t walk normally on it. I’m such a cool 23 year old. I have another doctor’s appointment on Friday and hopefully they can officially diagnose this ridiculousness.

But what’s more interesting than me being a cripple? These zucchini fries. They are a fun spin on deep fried zucchini fries (which we LOVE), and are the perfect healthy compliment to a burger in lieu of fries.

Baked Zucchini Fries

  • 4 medium zucchini
  • 1 c. Panko bread crumbs
  • 1/2 c. flour
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 t. garlic powder
  • 2 eggs

-Slice the clean zucchini into fry-size wedges.

-In a large ziploc bag, shake together the flour, garlic pepper, and about a teaspoon each of salt and pepper in the bag. Put the zuchhini wedges in the bag, zip it up, and shake to coat them in flour.

-Whisk together the eggs in a large, shallow bowl. Pour the bread crumbs into another large, shallow bowl.

-Remove the dredged zucchini slices a few at a time from the ziploc and coat them with egg first, then with bread crumbs. Set aside (Note:It helps to use a fork or tongs for this, it can get messy if you use your hands).

-Place the breaded slices onto a baking sheet. When all of the slices are breaded and on the sheet, spray a light layer of olive oil over them and bake in a 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes, or until the crumbs are nice and brown. Flip the fries once about halfway through cooking.

-Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes before serving. Makes 4 side dish servings.

So tasty! I love serving vegetables in different ways like this, it makes things a lot more interesting. Side note: if you’re in a hurry, Trader Joe’s has really good pre-made patties in the meat section. Just sprinkle a little salt and pepper on before cooking and you’re good to go. Their whole wheat hamburger buns are awesome, too!

Don’t forget the cheese, of course.

I’m off to do some homework and then head to my night class. Yuck.

Thanks for reading!



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Fresh Peach Sorbet

I’ve officially survived the first day of school! I can’t believe I’m already a 2L. Actually I can believe it, because I already feel like I’ve been in law school forever. Things aren’t starting off on the best foot, considering I was rejected from law journal and can’t get an externship for the school year, but I’m determined to work my butt off this semester and do better. Only place I can go is up.

To start the school year out fresh, my desktop was in desperate need of being cleaned.



Much better.

My schedule is going to be bizzare this school year and so it might take me a while to figure out when I’m going to blog and when I’m going to do schoolwork. One thing is for sure, school IS my priority. I LOVE blogging and I could do it all day long (and wish that I could), but I can’t afford to do anything short of my absolute best in school. Last year I think I made some mistakes because I got so excited about being a new blogger and just had blogging on the mind 24/7, which really caused my schoolwork to suffer. That can’t happen this year. I think organization is probably key, so that’s something I’m working on now. With all that being said, I’m still going to keep the party going here.

Because like I’ve said many times before, this keeps me sane. You guys keep me sane. Cooking and eating and taking pictures of my food keeps me sane. If I didn’t have anything else to do with my life besides read about real estate taxes and the rules of evidence…well, I don’t want to think about how I would probably be feeling.

This sorbet was SO good, y’all. Natural, pure, light deliciousness. I had sorbet in mind when I bought these beautiful babies at the farmer’s market last weekend.

I waited until they were super ripe and juicy, so that the sorbet would be as naturally sweet as possible. Then I added a little simple syrup (which is just a half sugar-half water mixture reduced over the stove) and was inspired by this recipe to add some fresh lemon juice. The lemon juice was really key in giving the sorbet just the right amount of tartness and really brightening the natural flavor of the peaches.

Fresh Peach Sorbet

  • 5 ripe peaches (enough for about 3 cups of peach flesh)
  • 1/3 c. simple syrup
  • 2 T. fresh lemon juice

-Peel the peaches and remove the stones. Put the fruit into a blender.

-Add the simple syrup and lemon juice and blend until the mixture is a smooth purée.

-Pour the mixture into the bowl of an ice cream maker and let it run until it’s frozen. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a freezer safe container and freeze for a couple hours.

-Serve and enjoy! Makes 4 dessert servings.

MAN, taking pictures of frozen things is HARD. This was my first time, and I really didn’t realize I would have literally 2 minutes to furiously snap shots before the thing was completely melted.

But melty or not, I can assure you that it was incredibly tasty.

And guess what?? This officially checks the last item off my summer bucket list! WOHOO!!!

I’m off do to my first homework of the school year. *shudder*

Thanks for reading!




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Last Day of Summer

I know the actual summer season isn’t over, but tomorrow morning marks the first day of school for me. Therefore, my summer is over. I’m encouraged, though, by the fact that I had a really awesome summer and that I only have two years left before I’m done with school for the rest of my life. A lot happened in the past few months, so I thought it would be fun to do a little recap!

At the beginning of the summer we left our house in Virginia to go to Atlanta, where my family lives and where we both got an internship with a prosecutor’s office. It was so great to be reunited with my family! Since I have two younger school age siblings and parents who both work full time, it’s hard for them to get to Virginia to visit us. So we cherished the time together!

We went out to eat at so many amazing places…

And had some even more fabulous meals at home…

Where I enjoyed the help of the cutest kitchen helper in the world.

We celebrated a double birthday on the first of June, with Jason turning 23 and my little brother David turning 16.

Jason and I went to a litigation course in Forsyth, Georgia where we had both some really good and really bad food.


And while we were there we celebrated our first Loving Day together as a married couple.

When we got back Ashley wrote her very own post here on the blog and taught you all how to made Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles.

A little while later I attempted my first natural yeast sourdough starter, who was named Javier. Javier left this world after I think 4 days and I have been too nervous to attempt another one since. R.I.P. Javier.

My Dad’s job threw a “family day” at Six Flags and we enjoyed the rides and the sun together.

We traveled to Tennesse to see my brother graduate from his training to become a Navy Sea Cadet.

A little while later I got my first photo accepted to Foodgawker!

We celebrated a lovely 4th of July…

…until our fireworks got rained out.

Jason got me a NEW CAMERA!!!! An awesome point and shoot that is the love of my life and can kick any DSLRs butt.

And I learned how to use the camera just in time for…

…our trip to Disney World!

And we got back just in time to celebrate our first anniversary!

About a week later we went down to Jekyll Island, Georgia for a conference, where we visited the creepiest and emptiest beach we have ever seen.

When we got back to Atlanta, Jason and I took my brother and sister on our last field trip, this time to the Georgia Aquarium.

And the next day I went to my first blogger meetup!

And my mom taught me how to make peach cobbler.

Then a little while later we had our last day at our internship, and we started packing to go back to Virginia and stocking up on all the Atlanta goodies we wanted to take back with us.

Then we said goodbye to my family and headed back to Virginia, where I was reunited with my kitchen

And Jason and I enjoyed our last week of freedom, with no obligations or worries in the world.

And tomorrow…the race is on. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I enjoy law school. I most heartily do not. I never anticipated that I would. I’m not sure how many people do. But it’s a necessary means to the much desired end of having the comfortable life that we want, and so it’s worth it. And having such an awesome summer to look back on definitely helps.

Thanks for reading!






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Pad Thai At Home

Happy Saturday! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend so far. I still wasn’t feeling too hot when I woke up this morning but I had to drive Jason to a training session at school so I figured I would make the most out of the day at go to the farmer’s market after I dropped him off.

They only have the market on Saturday mornings, so it’s really special when it does happen. I haven’t been to very many summer markets here (duh, I’ve been in Atlanta all summer) and I can’t get over how much beautiful produce there was!

And OH the beautiful flowers.

I walked away with some lovely basil, zucchini, and peaches that will surely be making appearances in recipes this week.

After I picked the husband up, I got to work on a special dinner.

I LOVE Thai food. And when I say that, I mean I love Pad Thai. I’ve been out for Thai dozens of times and I don’t think I ever once ordered anything but Pad Thai as my main dish. The stuff is just too good. And you can make a pretty darn good version at home with ingredients you can get in your grocery store! I found the special noodles down the international isle of my grocery store and I bet yours has them, too. They actually don’t require any boiling–how cool is that?

Pad Thai Noodles

  • 1 14 oz. package Thai rice noodles
  • 1/4 c. vegetable oil
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 1/4 c. brown sugar (not packed)
  • 1 c. drained extra firm tofu, cut into strips
  • 1 lb. raw, peeled shrimp
  • 3 green onions, sliced
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 c. Thai fish sauce
  • 1 c. fresh bean sprouts
  • 1/2 c. fresh cilantro
  • chopped peanuts (optional)
  • lime (optional)

-Soak the rice noodles in a bowl of cold water for 30 minutes. After they’re finished soaking, drain the liquid and set the noodles aside

-In a wide saucepan or deep skillet, heat half of the oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and shallot and cook until the garlic just starts to brown. Add the brown sugar and stir well to incorporate. Let cook, while stirring, for a couple minutes.

-Add the tofu and shrimp and cook, stirring frequently, until the shrimp is pink on both sides and the tofu starts to brown a little.

-Add the onions to the pan and stir to combine. Add the eggs and stir for another minute. Lastly, add the pre-soaked noodles along with the rest of the oil and the fish sauce.

-Cook the pad thai in the pot for another 10 minutes on medium-low heat, tossing frequently with tongs or a mixing spoon until the noodles are soft and start to brown lightly.

-Top with fresh cilantro, and chopped peanuts and lime wedges if desired. Enjoy! Makes 4 servings.

Authentic Pad Thai contains tamarind, which gives the dish a kind of irreplaceable flavor. But if you’re like me and live in an area that’s a little short on international markets (meaning, there are none), you probably won’t be able to find tamarind. But this recipe makes a delicious noodle dish nonetheless and sure fixed our craving for Thai with a much lower price tag.

So good. Try it, I think you’ll be surprised!

Thanks for reading!



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We All Scream For Ice Cream

Looook what I got!

WAHOOO!!! So exciting! Jason came across a deal for it online but it ran out of stock like immediately (no suprise, it’s a REALLY good deal). He dug a little deeper and found out that people had success price matching that deal for the same ice cream maker at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. So we went went and they did the price match! 😀

It makes ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet, etc. so I will be having A LOT of fun with this baby. I can’t wait to try it out.

This was a much needed mood booster because I haven’t been feeling well lately. Not the typical not feeling well, but strange things. It’s been happening for weeks and I thought it was an allergic reaction, but I was wrong. Notice anything about my hand here?

It’s hard to photograph, and this is actually after it had mostly gone away in my hand, but you can probably tell that the left side of it, and my wrist, are swollen. This is happening everywhere on my body and goes and comes in terms of severity. The doctor has a theory for what might be going on, but I’m going to get some tests next week to confirm it. I debated whether or not I was going to post about this, but it seems this condition is going to be a more permanent part of my life than I thought so I wanted to share. I’ll let you know what’s going on after the tests next week! For now…I’m focusing on ice cream. I promise the next post will be fun and won’t involve any more of me whining about what ails me. 🙂

Thanks for reading!



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Let’s Talk About Dairy

I figured it was about time I discussed a certain issue that I once talked a lot about and have lately gone silent on.


Dairy. Ohhhh, I hate it. And I love it. You might recall me saying that I did a food based detox at the beginning of this year, during which I didn’t eat gluten, meat, dairy, or refined sugar in stages for a couple weeks. I did it mainly to challenge myself to eat a plant-based diet and to see if I might be showing signs of sensitivity to any of those foods. Digestive issues have long plagued me, and doctors have not provided me with a lot of help. It was then that I discovered, much to my chagrin, that in the stage where I cut out dairy…I felt SO much better. So, out went the cow’s milk and in came the almond milk. Out went the butter and in came the Earth Balance. On the blog I started featuring lots of dairy-free recipes (along with bad pictures…sorry in advance).

Stir and Roll Biscuits w/Honey Cinnamon “Butter”

Oatmeal Coconut Drop Cookies

Scottish Shortbread Cookies

I’m still 100% happy that I made the decision to cut dairy out back then. It helped me to learn that I don’t need to rely on butter and cream to made a great tasting meal for us. I used to buy an entire pound of butter EVERY WEEK and use it all. THAT was unhealthy. But I also learned that my body can tolerate small amounts of dairy and decided after a few months of being completely dairy-free that it just wasn’t necessary, especially because Jason doesn’t really have issues digesting it. I still believe that it’s healthiest for Jason and I to keep our consumption of it to a minimum because it’s high in fat and you can get just as much calcium (or more) from other sources. Cow’s milk is designed for calves, not for people, and I believe for us it just makes sense to focus on other food groups. So I use it in small amounts at home now, and every once in a while we splurge if it’s really worth it.

Those cinnamon rolls were really worth it.

Another reason I have been able to eat dairy without problems is these little babies:

The Jarro-Dophilus probiotic supplement has done wonders for my body. When I don’t take them, I regret it every time. I didn’t have them with me in Atlanta this summer, and it made for a very uncomfortable experience. If you have ANY problems of any kind with digestion, I highly recommend this supplement. It’s a miracle.

One thing I’m loving since re-introducing dairy?

Greek yogurt is the bomb. End of story. I’ve also become re-obssesed with ice cream, as you know. A few days ago I enjoyed this glorious treat.

That is a stuffed snowball, the specialty of this small business down the road from us called Sno to Go. It involves a layer of delicious soft serve, a layer of flavored “snow”, and then more soft serve on top. It’s genius cannot be explained.

In summary, you will continue to see dairy-free recipes here on the blog and you will continue to see dairylicious recipes too. So whoever you are and whatever your eating preferences, I hope you will continue to find things that fit in to how you eat!

Thanks for reading!



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