Daily Archives: August 22, 2011

Fresh Peach Sorbet

I’ve officially survived the first day of school! I can’t believe I’m already a 2L. Actually I can believe it, because I already feel like I’ve been in law school forever. Things aren’t starting off on the best foot, considering I was rejected from law journal and can’t get an externship for the school year, but I’m determined to work my butt off this semester and do better. Only place I can go is up.

To start the school year out fresh, my desktop was in desperate need of being cleaned.



Much better.

My schedule is going to be bizzare this school year and so it might take me a while to figure out when I’m going to blog and when I’m going to do schoolwork. One thing is for sure, school IS my priority. I LOVE blogging and I could do it all day long (and wish that I could), but I can’t afford to do anything short of my absolute best in school. Last year I think I made some mistakes because I got so excited about being a new blogger and just had blogging on the mind 24/7, which really caused my schoolwork to suffer. That can’t happen this year. I think organization is probably key, so that’s something I’m working on now. With all that being said, I’m still going to keep the party going here.

Because like I’ve said many times before, this keeps me sane. You guys keep me sane. Cooking and eating and taking pictures of my food keeps me sane. If I didn’t have anything else to do with my life besides read about real estate taxes and the rules of evidence…well, I don’t want to think about how I would probably be feeling.

This sorbet was SO good, y’all. Natural, pure, light deliciousness. I had sorbet in mind when I bought these beautiful babies at the farmer’s market last weekend.

I waited until they were super ripe and juicy, so that the sorbet would be as naturally sweet as possible. Then I added a little simple syrup (which is just a half sugar-half water mixture reduced over the stove) and was inspired by this recipe to add some fresh lemon juice. The lemon juice was really key in giving the sorbet just the right amount of tartness and really brightening the natural flavor of the peaches.

Fresh Peach Sorbet

  • 5 ripe peaches (enough for about 3 cups of peach flesh)
  • 1/3 c. simple syrup
  • 2 T. fresh lemon juice

-Peel the peaches and remove the stones. Put the fruit into a blender.

-Add the simple syrup and lemon juice and blend until the mixture is a smooth purée.

-Pour the mixture into the bowl of an ice cream maker and let it run until it’s frozen. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a freezer safe container and freeze for a couple hours.

-Serve and enjoy! Makes 4 dessert servings.

MAN, taking pictures of frozen things is HARD. This was my first time, and I really didn’t realize I would have literally 2 minutes to furiously snap shots before the thing was completely melted.

But melty or not, I can assure you that it was incredibly tasty.

And guess what?? This officially checks the last item off my summer bucket list! WOHOO!!!

I’m off do to my first homework of the school year. *shudder*

Thanks for reading!




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