Daily Archives: September 14, 2011

WIAW, I Love Modern Medicine

We’re halfway through the week! Thank goodness. It has been quite a week already with crazy school stuff, starting our clean food detox, and then of course that fun little trip to the ER yesterday morning. I feel SO MUCH BETTER now, I can’t even believe how sick I was not so long ago. Whatever they put in my IV, it worked and it worked fast. I went to classes today and felt just fine (though the steroids have me feeling weird…which I’m used to because I’ve been given steroids dozens of times). I love living “naturally” and I believe in natural healing, but there are times when I love modern medicine and I would never in a million years turn it down in a scary situation like what happened yesterday. Doctors are awesome. Now that we’ve established that, let’s get on to the good stuff. Even though the whole random sickness thing made our schedule out of whack, we are still committed to doing the detox. So you get to now see a full day of clean eats!

I’m really feeling great so far, just really light and not weighed down (could be the meds though….just kidding…maybe). Jason was really struggling the first day (he had some separation anxiety from his thrice daily serving of meat), but I think now he’s getting more acclimated. I can honestly say that I’ve never eaten so many fruits and vegetables in my entire life, and it feels amazing. I’ll do a ‘week one’ recap of the detox this weekend, but for now I’ll just show you what I ate today. 🙂

Breakfast: Coach’s oats spiced up with cinnamon, pure vanilla extract, and a dollop of peanut butter; little bowl of grapes

Second Breakfast: green monster (fresh spinach, banana, almond milk, and peanut butter)

Lunch: leftovers! brown rice pasta w/ kale pesto and tomato sauce; risotto-style mushroom barley

Afternoon Snack (@ school): raw cocoa nutrition bar (from Emma! 🙂 )

Pre-Dinner Snack: dried mango strips

Dinner: seared tuna steak, broccoli rabe, roasted tomato and garlic whole wheat couscous

Dessert: berry smoothie (strawberries, raspberries, almond milk, frozen banana) topped with coconut

Is it just me or did I kind of eat a lot? Well this isn’t a diet and it isn’t supposed to be restrictive, so eating a lot is a good thing. It’s crazy how many fruits and veggies I can eat when I don’t fill myself up with sweets and empty carbs. I never knew! Plus between the oatmeal, barley, brown rice pasta, and couscous–I ate four different whole grains today! WHOO!!!

I have to go finish up a homework assignment before I fall asleep. Thanks for reading!



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