Daily Archives: September 21, 2011

WIAW, One Day at a Time

To put it nicely: lately I’ve been feeling like crap. Which is why you haven’t seen as much of me recently. But I like the blog to be a positive space where I can appreciate the things that are fun and beautiful about life, so I won’t go on playing my very small violin. Instead, how about I just show you what I ate today? Nevermind that I haven’t been to the grocery store since the weekend and we’re out of good produce while on a detox…let’s just ignore that. Today I gave myself a free pass. I even ate a white flour product. Sorry I’m not sorry.

Breakfast: bowl of hot buckwheat cereal topped with honey, cocoa nibs, and peanut butter

Lunch: leftover brown rice pasta with tomato sauce and ground beef (don’t judge the aesthetics, Jason made me this plate :P)

Dinner: giant taco stack with steak, rice, beans, mushrooms, peppers, salsa, cheese, lettuce, and other stuff I can’t remember…and a cute date


The bad part is…okay nevermind, let’s skip the bad part. I think you can infer the bad part from the nutritional profile of my food today. The GOOD part is 1. we’re both alive 2. it’s almost the weekend, and 3. going grocery shopping tomorrow to make up for the produce deficiency.

To distract you from the lack of culinary excitement, how about a little honey badger?

Honey badger don’t care!

Thanks for reading,





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