Daily Archives: September 30, 2011

Gone Camping

We made a kind of spontaneous decision to get away for the weekend! School and life are getting kind of crazy and we could use some fresh air and wide open spaces. We’re going camping! I camped many times back in the day but haven’t been in a while and I really miss it. Jason was a boy scout so he’s also done his fair share of camping, and his parents were nice enough to let us lift their camping equipment last time we were at their house. Today we practiced putting the tent together, just to make sure we weren’t too rusty.

I was surprised at how fast it came back to us! I’m glad we practiced though, now it will only take us a few minutes when we do it for real.

This tent is HUGE! I didn’t realize how big a 4 person tent is (it really has been a while), this thing literally took up our entire guest room.

This morning I reserved our campsite at a lake in southern Virginia. We got a lakefront site, should be lovely! There are so many beautiful places to camp in this state, and I actually REALLY wanted to go camping in Shenandoah National Park, which is supposed to have some of the most beautiful camping in the country. But for some reason that area is getting really cold this weekend, and I just can’t get down with that. The spot we chose instead is going to be in the 60’s and sunny–perfect! Plus I think it’s better to do this and get our toes wet with some flat hiking and bear-free tenting (Shenandoah has the densest population of black bears in America) before we tackle the Appalachian mountains. I can’t wait to have this be our view:



I’m also pretty darn excited about the food I have planned for us.

I don’t even have to tell you what those are for. 😉

See you Sunday!



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